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Years of studying classical and modern artand performance art in New York City taught us the value of artwork that feels as good as it looks. We are always inspired by the world and people around us.

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Líder do Irã expressa posição sobre situação na Síria

Em mensagem publicada em sua conta na rede X (@khamenei.ir), o Líder Supremo da Revolução...

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Iranianos se despedem de general martirizado na Síria

Os iranianos participaram no sábado (30) de um cortejo fúnebre em despedida do do...

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Joe Biden usa cargo para perdoar crimes do filho

O presidente dos Estados Unidos, Joe Biden, concedeu clemência ao seu filho Hunter, que admitiu a...

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Colonos israelenses profanam Mesquita de Al-Aqsa

Sob a proteção das forças de ocupação israelenses, dezenas de colonos judeus profanaram a...

What we are doing?

We are here to meet your demand and write the most beneficial way for you. We are always inspired by the world and people around us.

Years of studying classical and modern art and performance art in New York City taught us the value of artwork that feels as good as it looks.
We are always inspired by the world and people around us.

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